Across protocol diagram
Powered By Intents
A new paradigm in cross-chain experiences, seamlessly connecting users with applications.
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trusted by top tier applications
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Across Products
Fastest and lowest-cost bridging for end-users.
Streamlined interoperability for developers.
the technology
How intents work
Intents replace explicit execution steps with user outcomes, allowing relayers to compete to provide the optimal execution path for the user. Cross-chain intents are a cross-chain limit order plus an action to execute.
Elegant Abstraction
Unlike complex, trusted message passing solutions, Across connects users to dapps via intents, not just blockchains to other blockchains. Developers only need to embed a standard order in protocol actions to create seamless cross-chain experiences.
Modular Interoperability
Cross-chain intents are powered by a modular system of 3 layers:
  1. Request for quote mechanism
  2. Network of competitive relayers
  3. Settlement layer to escrow user input funds, verify, and repay relayers
power in originality
Production ready
Empirically Proven
Across is the only cross-chain intents protocol in production today, enabling the fastest and lowest-cost interoperability solution without security tradeoffs.
avg. fill time
bridge 1 eth
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